2007 Holt California Physical Science -- One-Stop Planner CD-ROM with Test Generator and Interactive Teacher's Edition (5-CD-ROM Set)(7.5"x5.3"x0.85" Case) ***Contains 5 CD-ROMs: *Printable Teaching Resources, Spanish Resources, Multilingual Glossary, *Editable Lesson Plans, Student Worksheets, PowerPoint Resources, & *Powerful ExamView Version 5 Assessment Suite, Lab Materials Quicklist Software, Holt Calendar Planner, Holt PuzzlePro, Interactive Teacher's Edition ***ISBN-13: 9790030465627 / ISBN-13: 9780030465628 ***Condition: NON-RETURNABLE ITEM; Like New/Good Used @I3.3b;1/N5.1f;1/E6.2b;2/Gtop3;4>holt.sci.media ASKU#030124v